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Taught by David Bella (Software Enggr at XO Group)
Sun, Apr 27, 2014 @ 01:00 PM   $850   AlleyNYC, 500 7th Ave, 17th Fl

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Length of course: 20hours

Date: April 27th, May 4th, 11th, 18th(four Sundays) (We made such change because April 19th and May 24th are Easter and Memorial weekend)

Time: 1:15 - 6:15 pm

Instructor: David Bella, Software Engineer at XO Group Inc.

Course Overview: This five-week course is an introduction to Node.js that spans Node programming third party API's.

Project Demo Day and Certificates: Starting from the basics of programming this course will take you though data manipulation and advanced graphics packages, ending with a demonstration of a project of your choice on Project Demo Day. You will analyze real data using the tools you have been given and the skills you have learned. Certificates are awarded according to your understanding, skill and participation: Extraordinary Standing pass, Honorable Graduation pass, and Active Participation pass.

Week 1: Simple Programs

Setting up the environment - Getting started.

High level introduction to Node - Why use Node?

Refresher on web technology, HTTP, servers, and REST - What we're doing and where we're doing it.

Basic JavaScript

Sample Node program

Homework - Make a modification to the Node program from class.

Week 2: Server Side Work

Advanced JavaScript - Frequently used commands in Node.

Advanced Node programming - Asychronous programming and how Node handles information.

Basic Node web server - The basics.

Homework - Make another route in the server and parse query parameters.

Week 3: Templating

Setting up a basic Express app - Introduction to the Express framework

Applying RESTful principles to our Express app

Backing our app with MongoDB

The Jade templating engine - Polishing up the public facing page

Week 4: Sockets and API

WebSockets and Socket.IO

Front end frameworks

Caching and Redis - Store data

Middleware - EXAMPLES?

Using third party APIs

Week 5: More Hands-on

Testing and Deployment
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